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Insulated SIP House Caligula, 80 m²

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12x10 summer houses

Looking for a big summer house? Whether you’re considering it an opportunity in buying to rent or for your own retreats, SIP 12×10 summer houses are an excellent investment.


Durable, aesthetically pleasing, modular and affordable, these structures should easily stand the test of time. Each unit comes with a 5-year warranty.

If a particular large, 12×10 size summerhouse catches your eye, open the product page to find out more technical info and look at HQ pictures or visualisations to help you decide. Take advantage of our product filters to shorten the time, needed for looking.

If you can’t find the right 12×10 summerhouse for sale, our team of architects and designers can offer bespoke creations.


Showing all 9 results

Thinking about a bespoke project?
We can help!

Provide us with details about it. We’ll be happy to help!

Insulated SIP House Caligula, 80 m² 29

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08 : 00 AM

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  • Our qualified specialist will come to your location for product and building advice
  • Site visit fee: £100.00 – £300.00 (depending on your postcode). The fee will be refunded in the event of placing an order after a visit.
  • Provide your details below to arrange a visit or call us